Bulk storage of lubrication fluids makes sense today to reduce downtime, increase efficiency and improve operating profitability. The savings are obvious, but with the right system and processes, additional savings are possible.

Hidden Costs w/ Bulk Fluid Include: (but are not limited to)

  • Incorrect Billing
  • Incorrect Fluid Dispensing
  • Theft
  • Monthly Reconciliation of Fluids
  • Billing Entry
  • Manual Paperwork
  • Downtime or Running Out of Fluid
  • Space for Waste Fluids
  • Line Break or Spill


At Dakota Fluid Power we understand that fluid management is essential to maintaining a lean environment and the savings fluid management can offer. Maintaining a state-of-the-art lube room is the first place to consider the opportunities for savings over time. A lube room product can assist you in the following ways:

  • Bulk Oil Storage
  • Color Coding of Fluid/Lubricants
  • Elimination of Cross Contamination
  • Easy and Efficient Fluid/Lubricant Transfer and Dispensing
  • Clean, Central Location for Fluid/Lubricants


Along with oil storage and lube rooms, another great place for fluid management is in filtration products. Y2K Filtration offers an excellent line of portable, heavy-duty filter carts, totes, and panels for your off-line filtering needs. These filtration products can assist you in the following ways:

  • Filtering Contaminated Systems
  • Flushing New or Repaired Systems
  • Pre-filtering New Oil
  • Dispensing New Oil
  • Transferring Oils
  • Collecting Oil Samples for Analysis


Not only does fluid management encompass storage and filtration, but it also includes fluid transfer and installation. Lucky for you, Dakota Fluid Power offers a field-proven line of reliable fluid pumps from Graco and a fast and easy plumping/piping solution from Airnet. The industry’s most trusted pump and piping for:

  • Fast Lubes & Small Garages
  • Heavy Equipment Dealerships
  • Ag Equipment Dealerships
  • Oil Jobbers
  • General Service Shops
  • Body Shops
  • Municipalities & Transits
  • Lube Trucks
  • Construction Equipment
  • Fleet Maintenance Shops
  • Manufacturing Plants


Graco’s Pulse® Pro Fluid Management system gives you more control over your fluid inventory and service operations to help you reduce costs and increase your profitability.

Track/Monitor Dispenses & Manage Tank Inventory:
Matrix tracks and reports when and where fluids are dispensed, so you can bill and account for inventory more accurately, while managing your tank inventory levels.

  • Track key bulk fluids, including petroleum/synthetic oil, antifreeze/coolant mixtures, gear lube, hydraulic fluid and automatic transmission fluid.
  • Access real-time data on each dispense, including the date and time, meter ID, location, dispense amount, fluid type and work order.
  • Generate detailed dispense history reports.
  • Schedule daily reports on tank levels.
  • Refill based on need, not on schedule.